Friday, March 11, 2011

The Best And Worst Of YouTube In A One-Minute Video

This starts out great. Totally sucked me in. We got a couple of comatose Asians ridin' the train lookin' like they either just got an armload of smack or drank a gallon of sake. Fantastic beginning. I'm rubbing my hands together in anticipation of what's gonna happen next. But there's no freakin' ending! What happened when the doors opened? Did they start to puke at the next stop? Are they some kind of real life zombies re-charging before their next kill? Is this just a retarded stunt? Do they have some exotic, bird flu disease that's gonna invade America? Is this how ninjas prepare to time travel and transport to their next mysterious mission? Unfortunately, we'll never know. YouTube, you fickle, fickle, bitch! You seduce us with your wily sensuality and cunning charm and then just walk away leaving us holding a raging woody. Damn you!

Love Always My Sweet,

-The Bahtendah