Tuesday, March 15, 2011
This Is Why Batman Had Such A Hard Time With The Penguin
When I was a kid, I always wondered why my favorite Superhero, Batman, ever even had the slightest bit of trouble with this stupid criminal. He just waddled along, wicked easy to catch, squawking at Bruce or Batman like he was king shit. I used to think to myself, "Turn this little tuxedo into a can of Starkist and move on to fight the hard asses like The Riddler and The Joker."
But now I understand what Batman was worried about. The Penguin has balls the size of church bells. He might not be the fastest, he might not be the strongest, he might not be the smartest, but he has cajones like you read about. You're a worthy foe after all, you dastardly evil-doer. Cunning, deceptive, coy, crafty, inriguing, shrewd, clever - okay, I'm done. Bang. Pay attention!