Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Would You Care If Everyone On The Interbloggerwebernet Knew What Your Favorite Dildo Was?

Etsy reveals your dildo preferences to the world

INQUISITR - The internet’s craft fair, Etsy, is taking a bit of flack right now for trying to make the site more social, and in doing so, revealing a bit more about Etsy users than users may be aware of, to the internet at large. Last week, Etsy quietly rolled out a feature allowing people to search users, sellers and buyers alike- revealing information on items they’d sold, purchased or favorited. This feature was discussed in a not-very-visible forum thread, but not formally announced to users. The issue is underscored to great effect in a quote over at Ars Technica’s piece on the controversy. Quel horror, for internet sex toy shoppers everywhere:

“I just found a woman who’s Etsy profile comes up on Google as the 5th link. I was expecting 6 or 7 pages down, but it’s on the very first page, right after her online resumes,” wrote one concerned user on the Penny Arcade forums. “She signed up a year ago, under the old privacy policy, and hasn’t logged in since 2010. And now I know what dildo she uses. Right down to the curvature and coloring.”

“Found an XXL glass dildo with veins and swirled gold coloring (beautiful piece really) and checked to see if anyone favorited it. Someone did. She also favorited some cosplay cat eat hats [sic] and a bell collar/necklace thing. Then I found her on Facebook.”

I was gonna write a scathing post about how this leaking of privacy shit has gone too far, but right now I don't have the time.  I gotta get to Etsy real quick and see if any chicks are buyin' the dildo called "The Irish Inch Of Aggression."  I'm gonna find 'em and nail 'em.  Big time find for the Bahtendah - I might have to shut down the whole blog for like a week.

By the way, do you know the definition of Irish foreplay?

"Brace yourself, Bridget!"  Bang.  Done.  Pay the fuck attention!  Searching Etsy, searching Etsy....