Thursday, April 21, 2011

I've Just Found The Real Life Spiderman - No Joke

Earlier today I posted a video of 3 African dudes stealing a kill from 15 lions and said that they had balls the size of church bells. Well, if that's the case then our man Alex here has balls the size of Mount Everest. This shit is abso-fucking-lutely insane. The man is hangin' on to rock walls 700 feet high with only a finger or two to hang on with and no rope to save him if he fucks up. One little mistake and you're flatter than a teenage girl with anorexia. Seriously, what if your ass is itchy? Or a bee decides to fly up your nose? This mutha is insane five ways to Sunday. I got dizzy just watchin'.

I'm impressed, but I seriously think dudes like this might just have a death wish. The odds against you are just too high. No big surprise if Alex goes the way of all the Wallendas and grabs the big dirt nap off some crazy rock wall. Stay tuned....