Friday, April 22, 2011
Woman Bites Penis - It Doesn't Bite Back
Police: Woman bit boyfriend's penis during argument
PRESS-CITIZEN - Police said a woman bit her boyfriend’s penis during an argument earlier this month. According to Coralville Police, officers responded to 617 Fourth Ave. on April 11 after a 911 call came from that residence. Police said 32-year-old Lucina V. Kinder and her live-in boyfriend got in an argument that escalated when Kinder punched her boyfriend – who is not identified – in the face, scratched his shoulder and then bit his penis, causing it to bleed. The two have been living together for more than a year, police said. Kinder was arrested this week and charged with domestic assault without intent to cause injury, a serious misdemeanor.
I'll say it's a serious misdemeanor, and I don't like this Miss' Demeanor. I think Lucinda should be a little "kinder." (See how I did that? That's professional interwebberblogging right there, folks.)
Anyway, are there two worse words to see in a sentence than "penis" and "bite?" Well, maybe "penis" and "machete" but that's another story for another day. The question is, will Lucinda use the Hunger Defense? Like, "Your Honor, I was famished and my man's Johnson just looked so good I couldn't resist the urge to take a little nibble." Word to the wise, Lucy. I don't think I'd try it. Keep those lips shut for once.