Wednesday, May 11, 2011

This Might Just Ruin Your Morning - Miley Cyrus Absolutely Sucking In Concert

First of all, the outfit is a total fail. Tryin' to look hot but not even comin' close to pullin' it off. This might be the clumsiest sexy-doll get-up I've ever seen. Second of all, that voice sounds like some off-pitch drunken hooker tryin' to sing karaoke after a night of whiskey and cigarettes.

But ya know what? It's okay, because as Miley keeps on livin' her little rockstar life, the costumes are gonna get skimpier, the offstage shenanigans are gonna get dirtier and the Speakeasy is gonna have some pure gold to post right here. So keep on chooglin' hotstuff - we'll be here to document every glorious moment of the crash.