Thursday, May 5, 2011
Miley Cyrus Dancing Vs. Elaine From Seinfeld - You Decide
Hip-hip-hooray for this YouTuber! Well done, my little video editor. This barely-legal fame-whore has about run her course, right? I mean, below-average looks, voice like a pack-a-day smoker and now the dance moves from Planet Sucky? It's time to expose this no-talent daughter of a no-talent father. But guess what? As soon as the naked Miley photos hit the inter-webber-blogger-nets, rest assured we'll have 'em here faster than you can say "Hey, her body sucks, too!" That's just how we roll.
PS - I think I just set a record for most hyphens in a post. Glad you could share it with me.
Miley Cyrus